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Spring Pest Preparation: Keep Your Home Bug-Free This Season

The spring season is a time for new beginnings. Unfortunately, for many people, it’s also a time when they have to start worrying about spring pests. Bugs and other critters can invade your home at any time of year, but they seem to be especially active during the Spring. That’s why it’s important to take some preventative steps now to keep them from becoming a problem later on. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips for spring pest preparation that will help you keep your home bug-free this season!

Steps To Prevent Spring Pests

One of the best ways to prevent pests from invading your home is to ensure that your property is clean and free of debris. Make sure you keep all of your outdoor areas tidy, including your yard, porch, and garage. Store any trash or recyclables in sealed containers, and don’t leave food scraps or pet waste lying around. If you have a compost pile, be sure to cover it with a lid to deter bugs and other critters from taking up residence there.

Another important step in spring pest preparation is to seal up any cracks or openings in your home’s exterior. Inspect your windows and doors for any gaps or holes, and use caulk or expanding foam insulation to fill them in. Also, check around the foundation of your home, as well as around pipes and utility lines that enter it. If there are any gaps here too big for caulk or foam to seal, then you’ll need to install some kind of barrier such as wire mesh over them before sealing them off completely with more insulation material like fiberglass batten strips (these come in rolls).

Do not forget about spring pest management! Inspect all areas of your home, both inside and out, looking for signs of infestation. Spring pest preparation is an important step when it comes time to start spring cleaning. You can also take steps now by inspecting the exterior walls, windowsills, doorsills – anything that might have been exposed during winter weather conditions will require special attention because these surfaces are prone to pest infestation.

One of the most important things you can do for spring pest management is maintaining a regular housekeeping activities schedule. Vacuum your rooms, sweep your floors regularly, and wipe down surfaces with disinfectant cleaner. Remove any clutter that might provide a hiding place for pests, and keep foodstuffs tightly sealed in containers. These simple steps will help to reduce the likelihood of an infestation taking hold in your home.

Spring Pest Preparation Is The Key

Knowing what you need to do before Spring settles in is key to keeping those pests out. If you don’t take any sort of preventative action now, then you may be in for an unwelcome visit from some of these critters. 

  • Ants: Ants will look to scurry into your home in search of food and can become a hazard when a colony of them takes refuge. 
  • Bees: Bees, including carpenter bees, may find certain corners of your home very appealing to create a hive. 
  • Fleas: Fleas may hitch a ride on some of your pet friends or jump on you, leaving you with itchy small red bumps. 
  • Flies: Everyone is aware of the nuisance that is the housefly. No matter the number, they always seem to find ways to annoy you and contaminate your food. 
  • Rats/Mice: Rats and mice seem to always be active year-round, and that includes the Spring. From the droppings they leave behind to the surfaces that they contaminate, rats and mice are unwelcome house guests. 

Overview of spring pest preparation tips:

  • Keep your property clean and free of debris
  •  Seal up any cracks or openings in your home’s exterior
  • Inspect your home inside and out for signs of infestation
  •  Maintain a regular schedule of housekeeping activities
  • Hire a pest management expert to treat your home to make sure it is well protected

If you’re diligent about following these spring pest preparation tips, you can help keep your home bug-free this season! For more information on preventing and dealing with pests, please visit our website or contact us today. We would be happy to answer any of your questions. Thanks for reading!



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