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Here’s What You Need to Know About Controlling Spiders

Spiders are some of the most common pests that people seem to be afraid of. All around the world, many people have arachnophobia. This is mainly attributed to the spider’s appearance as well as the potential that they can inflict serious harm. Fortunately, with the right pest control, you can control the amount of spiders that appear in your home. All you need to know is what type of spider it is and if there is an infestation that you may have to be worried about.

Common Types of Spiders to Be Aware Of

There are just around 3,000 different types of spiders found in the U.S today. Of these 3000, there are a few types that you should be aware of. These types are brown recluses, black widows, jumping spiders, running spiders, and hobo or funnel-web spiders. Out of these types there are only 2 that pose a threat to humans. They are the brown recluse spider and the black widow. 

The good thing is that spiders won’t actively seek you out to bite you. In fact, they try to avoid you since they perceive you as a threat. The only reason they bite is if you disturb them or ignore their warnings. The real problem arises when you begin to notice more than 1 or 2 spiders roaming around in your home. Then, it is time to survey your home and see if there is a potential spider infestation.

Spider Behavior

Spider behavior varies from spider to spider. For example, a wolf spider hunts its food, while a black widow will wait for their prey to become entangled in their web before they go over and inject them with venom. Here are some typical spider behaviors for different spider types.

  • Web Spinning Spiders: Web spinning spiders are those who construct a web with the purpose of not just making it a home, but also a place that prey will stumble upon. The prey will become ensnared in the silky, sticky web while the spider injects it with venom that will liquify the insides of their prey, and they essentially drink them like a milkshake. Some examples of web spinning spiders are orb weavers and black widows. 
  • Jumping Spiders: These spiders are a type of hunting spider that will pounce on their prey to attack and eat it. They can leap from a far range to get to their prey. They typically have short legs and a small body. You have more than likely encountered at least a few of them in your lifetime.
  • Running Spiders: Running spiders are another type of hunting spider that will actively chase down and hunt their prey. They have long and strong legs that enable them to outrun their prey. These spiders typically don’t use webs for hunting or as a home. Some common examples of running spiders include wolf spiders and brown recluses.
  • Hobo/Funnel Web Spiders: These spiders create funnel shaped webs beneath the ground. From there, they lie and wait near the end of the funnel for prey to stumble across them to grab. 

There are many different types of spiders and they all have different behaviors. With this information, you can properly identify what kind of spider you have lurking in or around your home.

How Do Spiders Get in My Home?

Spiders can get in your home in many different ways. One of the easiest ways they can get inside of your home is through any openings. Openings such as holes, open doors, vents, and pipes are all easily accessible to a spider. They can squirm into those openings to get inside your home. Make sure any potential opening, that you have some control over, is covered up to reduce the chance of them coming into your homes.

Another way spiders get inside your homes is by latching onto any object that you bring inside of your home. Common things that they latch onto include toys, plants, tools, and storage boxes that are left outside. Make sure you check anything you bring inside to see if any spiders are hitching on for a ride.

Remember, spiders go into your home to seek food and shelter. That means they will actively try to find ways to get inside of your home to reap those benefits. Fortunately, there are ways for you to control how spiders get in your home, as well as control the amount of them. 

Ways to Control Spiders

An effective way to control spiders is by using the information you already know about them. Spiders are predators who are always attracted to places that have the potential to attract their prey. This includes light sources as insects are attracted to any source of light. Spiders might build their webs around those lights and others might hunt close to the area. 

One of the best ways to control spiders is by getting rid of their prey. This essentially means making sure your home isn’t an insect paradise. Walk around your home and look for any particular points that might seem to attract insects, from there, do whatever you can to make sure no insects start congregating around there. If you already have insects in your home, you can begin using certain home-friendly insecticides to control them.

Another way to control spiders is through the use of pest control specialists who are knowledgeable with spiders. Going with the right spider expert is important as they will know what they are doing and have all the tools and procedures necessary to control spiders at home. We here at Meers Pest Solutions are experts and have a lot of the skills and tools necessary to treat spiders in your home! 

Spiders can be a frightening pest to see around your home, but there is no reason to panic. The chances of an infestation are low as most spiders tend to be solitary hunters who only travel by themselves. If you feel that you do have a spider problem that requires an expert evaluation, feel free to contact us here, and we will be more than happy to assist you!



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