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Don’t Ignore Rats In Your Home

Some rodents cause significant damage in and around homes, which is why they are not the best house guests. None are more unwelcome than rats, though. Rats are rodent pests that can cause all sorts of problems in your home. One of the worst things they can do is transmitting diseases to pets and people, which is harmful. 

If you notice a rat in your home, be very cautious. You might just have a possible infestation in your home. Without the proper pest experts to help you, you might be exposing your home, friends, and pets to potential harm. 

Reasons To Not Ignore Rats

Rats can get into any space in your home. You can find them getting onto your kitchen counters, into tiny spaces, into your walls, and other places. It seems like they can always find a way to get in there. That is why if you have rats in your home, it’s best not to ignore them as they will continue wreaking havoc all around your home. Here are some specific reasons why rats shouldn’t just be something you ignore and sweep under the rug. 

House Damage

One of the more obvious reasons that rats aren’t something to ignore is the damage they can cause all around your house. They can chew on wires, leave fecal droppings everywhere, get into your clothes, and much more. No matter where you are or what part of the house they are in, they are sure to leave some damage. 

The main physical damage they cause to your home is through their chewing. Rats have a natural instinct that tells them to chew on things to sharpen their teeth constantly. Your home is a prime place for them to sharpen their teeth. When you start noticing chewed wires or pieces of furniture with bites in them, then you may have a potential rat infestation on your hand. Rats cause more damage than to just your home, though.

Potential Disease/Contamination

Along with damage to your home, rats can also be harborers of disease as well and contaminate many things in your home. For example, some rats are known to carry and transmit the bubonic plague. Rats can also scurry onto food leftover on kitchen counters and tables. No one wants to eat food that rats have touched and chewed on! 

A crucial part of potential disease transmission when it comes to rats is through their feces and urine. Rats leave small little droppings all around your home, which can be harmful to you and your pets. If a rat has a disease, it can be potentially spread to you and you may have to deal with the ailments that come with it. Feces and urine also cause your home to have a rather foul odor. 

Make Themselves At Home

If you continue to ignore a potential rat infestation at your home, it will tell those rats that they can comfortably live in it. This means that you will likely go from seeing a few rats roaming around your home to much more walking about. You will likely hear more squeaks and small footsteps as result. Plus, what seemed like small inconveniences can become bigger and more expensive problems. The last thing you want is for rats to think that your home is now their home.

What Can Be Done To Treat A Rat Problem? 

Fortunately, you can treat a rat problem before it turns to a bigger one by doing preventative treatments around your house. You can start placing traps around key areas in your home that the rats seem to frequent. You can also start sealing some potential entryways into your house. Rats are resourceful and can enter your homes through different locations. Picking up trash and keeping your home clean is a simple way to deter rats away from your home as they might become disinterested due to the lack of food and shelter. 

If a rat infestation has gotten out of control to the point where preventative measures won’t cut it, then it might be time to contact a pest control expert. We here at Meers Pest Solutions are experts at treating different types of pests. Rodents are one of those pests. If you are experiencing a rat problem or any other pest problem, contact us here to get started! 



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