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A Guide to Flea and Tick Control

Fleas and ticks are some of the most common pests in the world. They are parasitic in which they feed on the host’s blood, which is usually humans and animals. They pose a danger to humans and pets by transmitting different types of viruses and bacteria through their bites. If you start noticing a flea or tick infestation on your property, maybe it is time to call a pest control expert to help address that problem.

Why Do I Have Fleas or Ticks?

Fleas and ticks aren’t usually scrambling to get inside of your home. They typically like to stay outside in your yard, where it is nice and warm. So when you see that first tick or flea on you, it makes you wonder how it even got in here. They have many ways of getting inside your home, unfortunately.

If you have pets, they have a chance of bringing in any unwanted ticks or fleas inside of your home. They usually lie in wait in your yard, looking for their next potential host to feed off of. The warm bodies of your pets are a golden paradise for them. If your pet wanders into their proximity, the chances are that the fleas or ticks will jump onto them and start feeding and reproducing. They always seem to latch onto pets, which is how they can get inside your home and start biting and feeding on you. 

Fleas and ticks can also find different creative ways to enter your home. You can be walking outside tending to your yard when a couple of these pests jump onto you. They can even latch themselves onto objects you are taking inside of your home. When you go back inside, they are in there with you, which can be quite a nuisance. They can leave you with bite marks, or worse, infect you with a virus or transmit something to you! Always make sure that you and your pets are free from any ticks or fleas before going back inside of your home.

Pets Play a Major Role

Pets are our companions that we love dearly, but unfortunately, fleas and ticks love them as well, but for all the wrong reasons. The blood of cats and dogs is nice and warm, which is the ideal meal for these pests. When they are feeding, ticks and fleas can potentially transmit various bacteria and viruses that can harm your pets. Their bodies are also a nice little place for them to lay their eggs. This can be quite the problem as it can lead to an infestation on your companion. So, how do you protect your pets from getting fleas and ticks on them?

Treatment Options

Fortunately, there are many treatment options out there to protect your pets from getting any kinds of pests on them. Here are some good treatment options for your pets.

Flea and Tick Shampoo

A good way to treat your pets for any fleas or ticks is by washing them with flea and tick shampoo. The shampoo works by killing any pests that come into contact with the medicated shampoo. Just rub it in thoroughly through your pet’s coat to make sure there aren’t any more of them lingering around in it. Plus, some of these shampoos will work for up to a month to prevent any sort of re-infestation in the future! 


There are many flea and tick collars out there for your pets that work differently, depending on the product you buy. A flea and tick collar works by emitting a gas that kills any fleas and ticks close to the collar. Another way is to use a secreted liquid on the collar that spreads and kills any pests they come into contact with. Of course, there are good and bad collars out there, as is the case with many products. Make sure to choose the one that you feel is best for your pet. 

Topical Medications

Just like the shampoo, these medications are applied on the surface of your pets. They work differently, though. You don’t need to be washing your pets to apply a topical medication on them. A topical medication works by applying it to a certain area on the skin of your pet. The medication starts working by killing any pests it comes into contact with and going deep into the follicles to stop and prevent these pests’ life cycles. This provides your pet with months-long protection as the medication is stored in their oil glands underneath the skin. You can rest assured that this medication will stop pests from infesting your furry companions! 


Another popular treatment for your pets is through the use of a chewable. There are many chewable options for your pets. One of them repels pests before they even have a chance to bite! The way it works is after it is consumed, it starts producing an odor that deters the pests away from them. Other chewables work by being absorbed into your pet’s bloodstream, which then kills any tick or flea that drinks their blood. It messes with their central nervous system, eventually leading to death. Chewables are a great option for pet owners who don’t want to apply any topical creams onto their pets.

Work With Your Exterminator for An Effective Solution

If you start noticing a flea or tick infestation developing at your home, maybe it is time to seek assistance from an exterminator. Fortunately, we here at Meers Pest Solutions are experts in dealing with pests, especially fleas and ticks. 

We have a treatment that involves insecticides and an insect growth regulator to control the adult flea population while also stopping the larvae from developing into the cocoon, which ends their life cycle. The key to maintaining control of a flea population is by tackling all 4 stages of their life cycle.

Learn more about how we can help you with your flea and tick problems here!



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